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Friday 4 November 2011

Target audience analysis

I have chosen my target audience for specific reasons. Horror movies are traditionally aimed at men, meaning that there is a definite gender audience. The usual age range a horror film is aimed at is 18-24, as they are also the the ages that people go to the cinema most. My film is also going to be aimed at this age because the certificate will most likely be an 18 due to a bloody and highly sexualised content.

My racial choice has been decided by the fact that the majority of cinema goers and major movie stars are white. Within that they are also male, making a clear audience that near enough guarantees viewers as they can relate to my characters more than, for example, a black man could. I also chose an urban collection of males as there are more people living in the cities that could go to the cinema to see my production.

Vampires are a horror monster most admired by the science-fiction and fantasy loving "geek", which is why they create my audience. Their lifestyle is probably likely to revolve more around computer games and perhaps the more traditional nerdy past-times of collecting memorabilia such as comic books or even just collecting games. They are the kind to stay up all night playing games like Call Of Duty or Halo all night on XboX Live. My audience is also most likely to be upper working class or middle class and are at the very least college educated and possibly in university.

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